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4K 50p, 59.94p and 60p modes New license model Both old and new Decklink versions attached.
In GUI menu video modes removed, output setup is in standard setup dialog we use, in the same menu. Choosing the board: When specific board is selected, menu option gives only supported formats. On program start if hardware failed you can choose new card or exit. Internal improvements: 4K automatic 2x2 mode
Bug Fixed.
Internal improvements: White problem fixing
White problem, new option in the menu: "Alpha type": Normal/Flat. Flat will solve Internal key, for External key the best is "Normal" (default) and setup the external mixer. Internal improvements: White problem: For External key the best is "Normal" (default) and settings on mixer like other CG do
Bug Fixed Arabic Regional Settings.
Live Input object type - Licensing: Better registration explanation text in dialog Internal improvements: - Scheduler have coloring if the item will play today. (green)
Scheduler does not work on mondays - Stop without save when invalid/damaged source tga oppened. Now will display message and cancel the conversion, with option to save. - 4K 50p, 59.94p and 60p modes - New license model Both old and new Decklink versions attached.
Use old engine" removed from menu - Windows 7 is required as minimum - Live Input object in CG - New menu item "Live inputs" and Live Input setup dialog - New video mode: NTSC 23.98 progressive - System Info: Now returns Decklink devices with serial numbers (if it have) - Licensing: Better registration explanation text in dialog - Licensing: Licence (if any) is refreshed on menu "Registration" click - "About" dialog changed Internal improvements: - Licensing: max instances run - Licensing: max video standard output - Licensing: live input
Crash on system info with Decklink devices without serial number.
Fixed clips with alpha that are not keyed.
Memory limit menu option removed (internally set to 1.5 GB) - Purge Cache is now Clear cache Internal improvements: - Live: on output borders are cut 8 pixels from each side.
Crawl linked to folder texts memory problem -XML net communication bug with problematic characters < and & in atribute values -Decklink SDK upgraded to 10.5
Copy/Paste fix - Possible cause of shortcuts problems related to keyboard buffer. - Problem inserting second line with ctrl-enter in picture metadata dialog.
Fix for copy/paste problem, locking all copy/paste operations on windows.
CG MOV: CG Clip object that have clip with alpha sometimes display remnants of previous clip used. Can be reproduced by rendering Clip A with alpha, then changing Clip object to Clip B that have different part of the display covered with alpha. After render command from VGXDraw, the part of first clip is visible.
now working with HDMI input on 4K Decklink models - Display name: Removed (1) from name if only one input card detected and "Extreme" is replaced with "Ext." Internal improvements:
Memory increasing when crawls are linked to xml file, which is feed by VGXDraw RSS reader with very short update (1 sec).
Noise issue depend of Garbage of CG compositon
Easy Preview + CGPlus v0.7.2 Build 012
Faster XML loading (program and playlists, vmy templates...)
CG CLIP: - CG LIVE: Clip or Live object in CG is scaled and cut in a wrong way when object is partially outside of the working area.
Bug Fix.
16 Live inputs (Setting for LIVE object) - GUI bugfixes
MediaLink as Input - Inputs increased to 16 - Bugfixes
Live input gui bug fixed: GUI showing only 4 inputs of 16.
New FFmpeg dll
Problem reading xml file as source for CG text.
It can play clips with 64 streams inside (was max 32). - Disconnecting MediaLink Input while it's playing will not hang the program.
Experimental version with: UHD 4K output added additional custom outputs: 1x2 HD = X=1920 Y=2*1080 1x3 HD = X=1920 Y=3*1080 1x4 HD = X=1920 Y=4*1080 1x5 HD = X=1920 Y=5*1080
Experimental version with custom output: 2x1 HD = X=2*1920 Y=1080 3x1 HD = X=3*1920 Y=1080 4x1 HD = X=4*1920 Y=1080 5x1 HD = X=5*1920 Y=1080 Test it, 3x1 and higher does not work on my VGA.
New Licensing options -Max output standard -Max Version -Live input All options properties exactly like Easy OnAir, including info in Licencing Dialog about what is disabled.
New Licensing options -Max Product Date -Medialink input Exactly like EOA.
CG Clips with video variable framerate.
-Licencing problem solved (AES256 microsoft) -MOV clips with variable video framerate crash solved
Licencing problem solved (AES256 microsoft) -MOV clips with variable video framerate crash solved
New, very different version of CG render server, plan is to replace old one. Notice the version number, old: v0.5.xxxxxx new: v0.8.xxxxxx As we talked with Osman, please help me to test basic things, like quality, stability, different cards and such.
Dongle support Small bug fixes in attach is also the dll needed for dongle. Without, ERS will not detect the dongle, but will work OK.
Live Background Input control.
Live Input changes with lower latency - CG Live object changes, Cropping added - CG Clip object changes
Licence check once per hr -Dongle support -Changes in system info -Live CG lower latency -Live CG cut -Clip CG changes
Licence limit of live inputs
Licence max number of live inputs.
Live input interlacing problem fix, NOT FINISHED, for testing.
Attribute "ScalFlg" from XML, when bit 0x04 is set, disables interlaced processing. For Akin, to put that field inside CGPlus so we can test and see the effects on screen. Let me know when ready please. - New Live NULL window - NTSC support - Logging - Disabling computer to go to sleep - etc - bugs fixing
All the latest changes, mostly in CG live input.
Live input CG object crop and aspect
Test for quality (both scale and fields ON, default mode) - Better quality of rotated video
Output does not clear previos frame, leaving it on screen as garbage.
When in card keying mode, it does not clear previos frame, leaving it on screen as garbage.
Crash when edit any text with double click.
Less flickering on scaled live input for SD to SD. - Bug fixes.
Interlaced processing flag (when scale) Attribute "ScalFlg" from XML, when bit 0x04 is set, disables interlaced processing. For Akin, to put that field inside CGPlus so we can test and see the effects on screen. Let me know when ready please. - New Live NULL window - NTSC support - Logging - Disabling computer to go to sleep - etc - bugs fixing
For testing : Live Crop Works only with new versions of all CG based products, will send after.
controls for crop not showing.
Better looking GUI. - Indication of Input number. - Easier selection of overlapping Live windows: Only crop area can be selected (if any, otherwise full window) - Scale button removed as meaningless, nobody using. - Aspect button for preserving aspect. Live window is centered inside area using "best fit" method. - Other small things like undo, redo, save, etc. Most of the bugs are fixed, I think we can give this to test customers.
Aspect ratio
Licence: Live input max standard confuses PAL/NTSC 16:9 - Changing background input changes video but does not change audio input as well. This one fixed it.
CG Roll ignores empty lines, but calculates the height and used in length of the Roll, causing OFF to not function and stop the Roll in unwanted position. - CG Roll wrongly calculates the length when OFF is pressed, causing to stop or go off on wrong places.
Output Audio delay settings: It's in right-click menu. Ranges are -500 to 500 ms, step is 10 ms, immediately applied to output.
icence registration (options: limited registration, product version, dongle) - Added checkings for ffmpeg dll versions - Added System Info - About dialog updated to be like other products
Support for Yuan input version
Clips with video in AVC codec, on some clips, pause video frames up to 8 frames at the end of the clip
Audio Output Mute/Unmute
-Custom Layout size can now be 8192 horizontal -Zoom levels are from 10% (was 30)
New Custom modes: 2x2 HD, 3x2 HD and 4x2 HD
New Custom modes: 5x2 HD p25 2x3 HD p25 3x3 HD p25 to not list them all, all 2x1 to 5x5 (24) combinations are supported